“Bee There. Do That.”

Food Waste & Social Impact - A Whale of a Tale. Gefilte & Fish Curry for the Nation.

Pavitry Pillay, Lisa Chait Season 2 Episode 1

According to the WWF SA, In South Africa one third of all food produced, a total of 10 million tonnes of edible food is wasted every year.  Ms. Pavitry Pillay, says it was her Grandmother's human rights lineage and DNA which has powered her interest in saving our seas and making an impact, as she once did.

"...lots of people don't realise there were two trials.... And my Grandmother --She was actually around during the time when Mahatma Ghandi was in South Africa. She was regarded as his adopted daughter..." - Pavitry Pillay, Environmental Behaviour Change Lead, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)."

In conversation with Pavitry and Lisa Chait Producer and Creator of "Life Stories" an online lineage and memory project, Lisa recounts how her DNA and Ashkenazi lineage in Africa carries within it, memory as far back as many of the stories found in the biblical era.  Yet it's modern fusion of land, people, sea and the spirit which fuels her work; connecting ancestry to food and story.

You're in for a whale of a tale, with this episode looking at how the women; Mothers. Grandmothers, keepers of wisdom, lineage and cultural food traditions maintain the natural circularity we find within our humanity. Yep. Thanks yet again to the food.  And bees!!!

Please enjoy. Share 'n subscribe.  And if you like our music, find the playlists on Spotify @beetheredothat alongside the usual, on Instagram. Come. Catch a buzz with me.  You'll leave with the munchies. Promise.

Thanks for listening!!

I'm Yolanda Busbee

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